Tips for Diet

Many my friends asked me how to reduce her weight.. well because i am a nutritionist i should know the answer u know there are ways to reduce your weight..there are many type of diet. Before i show you the Diets, i will give you some tips to reduce your weight. Ok here they are ...=D

Only Eat When Hungry  Avoid eating when you're bored, lonely, or depressed.  you can find another activity that make you happier.

Eat Three Meals a Day  and don't try to skipping any meals. Try to eat in the right time.

Don't smoking  Don't harm yourself or the others with your smoke
Fill the Fridge with Veggies  Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Stock your fridge with it.   

Cut Down on Coffee  If you're a coffee drinker limit your intake to less than 3 cups a day.

Choose Real Fruit  I mean you should eat fruits or juice it.  if u buy juice from store , it will contain many sugar in it and boost your calories.

Enjoy Water  Drink minimal 8 glasses a day.  If you don't like the taste of water, try adding lemon or lime or mint leaves to make it taste more refreshing.

Take Lunch to Work  Bring your lunch to work, u can cook it in the morning. Choose healty lunch for it and you can size how many will you eat.

Eat Breakfast  Eat breakfast will avoid feeling starved and give spirit to start your day.

Choose healty food and keep your healty style  These are important things for make your body health and happy . I hope you can make the best choice for your life =D

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6 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

nice post vi^^

duniaku mengatakan...

to short sinTuL...wait for the longest comment then hehe, btw anyway busway,,thank you sin =D

Anonim mengatakan...

Whether the correct protein diet can reduce our weight?
My intention is to replace carbohydrates with protein intake :D

David Mboys mengatakan...

waiting for the tips on how to increase weight rapidly.. hehe..

duniaku mengatakan...

@ diyut: yes, there is a diet that replace carbo with protein, the name is south beach diet, have u heard it?
and it can really reduce your weight, but the time only for 2 weeks in high protein after that you can back in normal portion of carbo, protein and fat..our body need balance too

duniaku mengatakan...

@ mas DAvid: oke..i'll try to make post about increase weight..but it can't rapidly..still need process of course..
i want to increase my weight too =D

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