Organic food. I think you have heard this word. Why all the people now get food in non organic one?
Long time ago people cultivated vegetables and food in organic ways. They didn’t use pesticide, and used natural fertilizer. It was so traditional.
But after technology have developed and many pests in agriculture. Farmers around the world use syntetic fertilizer and pesticides in their agriculture. It was amazing because they got great result.
Is there any different nutrients in organic and conventionally ? here is the answer…=D
From review American Journal Clinical Nutition in 2009
In an analysis that included only satisfactory-quality studies, conventionally produced crops had a significantly higher content of nitrogen, and organically produced crops had a significantly higher content of phosphorus and higher titratable acidity. Analysis of the more limited database on livestock products found no evidence of a difference in nutrient content between organically and conventionally produced livestock products.
The small differences in nutrient content detected are biologically plausible and mostly relate to differences in production methods.
So The choice is back to yours again, Happy eating =D