My Wedding

It's like cinderella story.. I feel beautiful in this day...

I'll tell you about my akad nikah..the grrom and the bride name are Nungki n Ibnu.. It's me haha ;p
The invitations were there already waiting for the bride.. hehe because I'm still make up !

The groom and his family were coming and those ladies were singing "thala'al badr" to welcome them. The same song that people sang when Muhammad came to Yatsrib.
Gifts for the brides. The gifts are usually clothes, shoes, bags, make up things, towel in a form of a bear like that one in the picture, fruits, cakes, etc
There he is, the groom ^^
Here it is.. The vow. The bride's father almost shed a tear... ;(
She was asking her parents for a permission to marry, thanking them for raising her and asked them for an apologize. — with Ibnu Junifan
This ritual is called "Sungkeman", asking an apologize from parents...
The dowry

The bride and the groom ^^ it's meeee.....................beautiful right...
I just feel like a princess in that day

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Bakteri Enterobacter sakazakii

Enterobacter sakazakii menyebabkan resiko buruk pada kesehatan neonatal. Bakteri ini bersifat pathogen yang kadang  berhubungan dengan terjadinya meningitis, nekrosis enterokolitis dan premature sepsis pada bayi. Bayi yang berumur 28 hari sangat berisiko.
Bayi seharusnya diberi ASI selama 6 bulan pertama. Susu bubuk formula yang diberikan pada bayi merupakan produk yang tidak steril. Untuk menurunkan resiko infeksi, pemberian susu formula bubuk harus diberikan dengan higienis yang baik dan dengan mengikuti aturan produksi manufaktur keamanan pangan.

Enterobacter sakazakii adalah family dari Enterobacteriaceae, genus Enterobacter, dan merupakan basil gram-negative bacillus.  E. sakazakii merupakan bakteri pathogen dan agen bakteri infeksi pada bayi.  E. sakazakii terdapat dalam kasus meningitis neonatal pada tahun 1958  ketika di Ingrris yang menyebabkan kematian dua balita. Sejak saat itu tercatat 70 kasus infeksi E. sakazakii.

Walaupun insiden infeksi E. sakazakii rendah, prognosisnya buruk dan infeksinya dihubungkan dengan kesakitan dan kematian.

Penyebaran kasus infeksi Enterobacter sakazakii dengan formula bubuk bayi sebagai sumber agen

Location (year)                       No. of cases           No. of deaths                          Source                   
England (1958)                        2                                              2                              Unknown                 
Denmark (1958)                      1                                             1                              Unknown                                
Georgia (1958)                        1                                             0                              Unknown                                
Oklahoma (1958)                     1                                             1             
Indiana (1981)                         1                                             0                             Unknown                
Denmark (1983)                      8                                              6                             Suspected PIF        
Greece (1977–1981)              1                                             1                              NS                          
Greece (1984)                        11                                            4                              Unknown                                
Missouri (1984)                       1                                             0                             Unknown                              
Massachusetts (1984)            2                                             1                             Unknown                                
Iceland (1986–1987)               3                                             1                             PIF                         
Tennessee (1988)                 4                                              0                             PIF, blender            
Maryland (1990)                      1                                              0                             PIF, blender           
Ohio (1990)                             1                                             0                              NS                          
Belgium (1998)                        12                                           2                              PIF                         
Israel (1999–2000)                  2                                             0                             PIF and blender     
Tennessee (2001)                  10                                           1                             PIF                         
Belgium (2002)                        1                                             1                              PIF                          
New Zealand (2004)               5                                             1                              PIF                         
France (2004)                         4                                              2                              PIF                          

NOTE. NS, not specified.
a One of the causal factors responsible may have been reconstituted
Pif : Powdered infants formula

Habitat alami dari E. Sakazakii belum diketahui.  Bakteri ini dapat ditemukan di lingkungan dan di makanan. Bayi dan anak-anak mudah terserang infeksi penyakit dari makanan. Maka itu, keamanan mikrobiologi pada bayi dan keamanan pada formula sangat penting.  Penjaga bayi di unit rumah sakit harus selalu waspada pada fakta bahwa bubuk formula pada bayi adalah produk yang tidak steril sehingga higienisasi selama persiapan dan pemberian sangat penting.

Pedoman umum formula bubuk bayi di rumah dan rumah sakit menurut WHO

Rumah sakit
  • Pemberian formula harus dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan gizi.
  • Personal terlatih dalam teknik aseptik penyiapan formula bubuk bayi
  • Botol, sendok dan pencapur susu harus bersih sebelum penyiapan
  • Mengikuti instruksi manufaktur persiapan : produk harus di simpan dalam kulkas pada suhu 4C jika belum digunakan segera dan dibuang jika tidak dikonsumsi dalam 24 jam

  • Cuci tangan menggunakan sabun saat persiapan dan area persiapan juga harus bersih
  • Sterilisasi botol, sendok dan karet pada botol dengan air panas atau sanitasi sebelum persiapan
  • Formula bubuk bayi harus fresh saat pemberian, jika masih ada sisa dalam botol maka dibuang
  • Jangan menyimpan botol hangat dengan pemanas
  • Untuk membuat formula bubuk bayi, air harus mendidih dan matang lalu dinginkan beberapa menit dengan suhu 70C- 90 C
  • Dinginkan fomula bayi sesuai suhu tubuh sebelum diberikan pada bayi.

Sumber :

Drudy D, Mullane R., et al. 2006. Enterobacter sakazakii: An Emerging Pathogen
in Powdered Infant Formula. Centre for Food Safety, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, and School of Public Health and Population Science, University College Dublin, Ireland

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I remember

This song is from mocca artist (Indonesia), I love mocca and the video is so sweet.
Just remember what it have done..and so sweet to remember it..
Enjoy =D

I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. The way you read your books, 
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes, 
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most, 
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee, 
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star, 
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me, 
yes I remember

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Condition After Merapi Mountain erupted in Cangkringan, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

I went to Jogjakarta for holiday. I really miss jogja...=D because I have lived there for 4 years to study.
Jogjakarta, located on the island of Java is one of Indonesia's most popular tourist destinations. Jogjakarta is in south central Java and it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean in the south and it also borders on the province of central Java.

A month ago Merapi mountain in Jogjakarta, Indonesia erupted. It caused many disasters as victims' houses received thick ash and buried in sand. This disaster has changed agricultural land to desert land. I went there with one of my friend Ririn. I took these pictures in Cangkringan village, near Gendol river. Here you can see my pics.

Gendol river, one of the rivers which was passed by lava Merapi Mountain; changed into terrifying scenery. When I went to this place I could smell sulfur odor.

Houses, vehicles, livestock, furnitures..everythings damaged due to melting in the Merapi eruption.
This motorcycle can’t be used again, because it was melted. So terrifying.

Livestock had died and gotten burned. Our government has given compensation for the evacuees whose livestock died.

Now the government has tried to build shelter from bamboo for them. It will be built not far from their homes.

 Many evacuees live in refugee camps. They do many activities together with NGO and some other organizations to help their lives.

 There is cold lava in magelang now. It happened in rivers which pass through magelang city. This cold lava has damaged houses, agriculture, and infrastructure.

I hope this disaster can end and they can live in happiness.

Enjoy the friendly of Jogjakarta =D

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Types of tea

Everyday my parents make a cup of tea in morning and afternoon. They drink it everyday. We drink a black tea here. My parents like to  add sugar in it. There are many types of tea and every country has a different tradition when it comes to drinking tea.

Black tea is consumed principally in Europe, North America and North Africa (except Morocco) while green tea is drunk throughout Asia; oolong tea is popular in China and Taiwan.

All tea is produced from the leaves of the tropical evergreen C.Sinensis. There are three main types of tea with black tea made via a post-harvest “fermentation,” an autoxidation catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase. After picking, leaves for green tea are steamed to inactivate polyphenol oxidase prior to drying. Oxidization is a chemical reaction that takes place when tea leaves are picked and begin to wither and die.

White tea doesn’t oxidation. They also have the lowest amount of caffeine and most likely have the highest antioxidant properties.

Green tea is not allowed to oxidize and is quickly dried, pan fried or oven fired to dehydrate the tea leaves for storage.  This process retains many  of the polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids that are associated with the health benefits of drinking green tea.

Oolong tea is produced by a partial oxidation of the leaf, intermediate between the process for green and black tea. Oolong tea falls somewhere between green tea and black tea in the amount of time the tea leaves are allowed to oxidize.  Two terms often used to describe oolong tea are “green” and “amber” style.  The “amber” styles are allowed to oxidize slightly more than the “green style” oolong tea.  This results in a variety of smooth teas available that bear the makers style and tradition. Oolong tea commonly served in Chinese restaurants or sold as “weight loss tea” due to its high caffeine content which encourages fat metabolism. Each cup has around 10-15% of the caffeine in cup of coffee. Oolong tea can be processed in two main ways, either as long curly leaves or rolled into tight balls similar to gunpowder tea, sometimes called dragon pearl tea.

Approximately 76% to 78% of the tea produced and consumed worldwide is black, 20% and 22% is green and less than 2% is oolong.

Tea is an important dietary source of flavanols.  Tea consumption has been inversely associated with the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Elevated blood pressure can accelerate the atherosclerotic process, and evidence linking reduced blood pressure with tea consumption has been reported in studies of green tea polyphenols in hypertensive animals and among black tea drinkers in Norway . Habitual moderate strength green or oolong tea consumption, 120 mL/d or more for 1 year, significantly reduces the risk of developing hypertension in the Chinese population.

Evidence for the anticarcinogenic potential of tea polyphenols has been provided by  numerous in vitro and experimental studies describing their action to bind directly to carcinogens, induce Phase II enzymes such as UDP-glucuronosyl transferase and inhibit heterocyclic amine formation.

Tea is already one of the most popular beverages worldwide and there are many benefits for our  body. So do you want to drink a glass of tea?


McKay, Diane L,. et al. 2002. The Role of Tea in Human Health: An Update. USA.  Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1–13

Yang, Yi-Ching MD, MPH., et al. 2004. The Protective Effect of Habitual Tea Consumption on Hypertension. ARCH INTERN MED/VOL 164

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Organic Food

Organic food. I think you have heard this word. Why all the people now get food in non organic one?
Long time ago people cultivated vegetables and food in organic ways. They didn’t use pesticide, and  used natural fertilizer. It was so traditional.

But after technology have developed and many pests in agriculture. Farmers around the world use syntetic fertilizer and pesticides in their agriculture. It was amazing because they got great result.

Is there any different nutrients in organic and conventionally ? here is the answer…=D

From review American Journal Clinical Nutition in 2009
In an analysis that included only satisfactory-quality studies, conventionally produced crops had a significantly higher content of nitrogen, and organically produced crops had a significantly higher content of phosphorus and higher titratable acidity. Analysis of the more limited database on livestock products found no evidence of a difference in nutrient content between organically and conventionally produced livestock products. 

The small differences in nutrient content detected are biologically plausible and mostly relate to differences in production methods.

So The choice is back to yours again, Happy eating =D

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Tips for gain weight

 Gaining weight can be as difficult as losing your weight. But it’s alright. We can do it together. (because I want to gain my weight to)
First of all you should know BMI (Body mass index). It's calculated using  weight and height.
BMI = weight (kg)
            Height2 (m2)
 If you are underweight you can try to gain weight. But if you have overweight please don't add to your weight =P

The important thing is gaining weight in a healthy way..I mean we can’t eat junk food too much to get fat as soon as possible because it may risk our  future. So, choose a nutritious path to gain weight.

These are my tips :

Avoid skipping meals.  Eat in the right time. If you have a small appetite, eat five to six times a day. You should have breakfast, lunch,and dinner. You can add a snack between meals. It’s nice. Isn’t it? =D

Try to not drink in the middle your meal. It can make you feel full before completing your food.

Add to your meal portion. When your portion of rice is 5 spoon fulls /meal you can add 8 spoon fulls.  Eat the high calories food, such as Chicken, beef, fish, legumes, cheese. Or you can spread peanut butter on your bread.

Do exercise reguraly. This is to build muscle and keep your body health.

Balance your calori intake and your activity. Don’t do excessive activity and then try to eat more.

You can drink milk, but don’t shift your meal to milk only.

Eat vegetables and fruits to. For example Avocado, Avocado has polyunsaturated fat that is good for your heart =D

And thanks to God for everysingle food you have..and then enjoy =D

You can successfully gain weight if you make these small changes to your eating habits on a regular basis.
Happy eating ^^

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Indonesian workers abroad in saudi arabia

Now we have heard about Indonesian workers in Saudi Arabia who became a maid there..There are 200 people under Kandara bridge. They don't have choice for live in that place. They really wanna back to Indonesia, but now it can’t happen because our government haven’t done anything for them. And the company they used for go to Saudi Arabia can’t return their back home..

They got abusement in that country from their employeer. Some of them got many wounds in her body and some of them got raped by the employeer. Why should they got that, Indonesian workers have a life, they have a family too..

Why Indonesian government can’t protect their citizen, They are still Indonesian citizen.
Too many birocracy in Indonesia that retarded they come back to Indonesia.

I hope they can back to Indonesia AS SOON AS POSSIBLE of course. They can’t do anything under kandara bridge, even they are not received by Saudi Arabia citizen.

I hope the best for them.

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I’ll talk about oil now..i mean oil in the kitchen. There are many kinds of oil. Do you know that every oil has different amount of polyunsaturated anda mono unsaturated fat . These are comparison of dietary fats in oil. 

The Best oil is olive oil. This oil can reduce heart and stroke risk in your body. You can use Olive oil without fried it. Add 2 spoon of olive oil and chop garlic, you can add orange and add some salt, sugar. Put it on salad as a dressing. So it simple and i like the taste too =D

Now i like to used canola oil for my parents. I want to decrease fat profile in their body, so i used it. The price in the store is rather expensive than palm oil.  Canola oil have good nutrition in fact and you can use it for fried. This oil is good too for your body. Maybe some of you ask what is canola oil. Canola is a good source of omega 3 fatty acid.

Canola oil is made from canola seed. Canola oil is pressed from tiny canola seeds produced by beautiful yellow flowering plants of the Brassica family. Cabbages and cauliflower are also part of the same botanical family (cit from Canola is grow in canada and USA, but Canada is the biggest single producer of canola.

Many kind of oil that you can choose for cooking. I have told you 2 kinds of good oil that can you use in the kitchen. The others oil is good too but it depends on how many time you used for cook. Don't use oil until 3 times in food, that can change the nutrition and bad for your body.

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Tips for Diet

Many my friends asked me how to reduce her weight.. well because i am a nutritionist i should know the answer u know there are ways to reduce your weight..there are many type of diet. Before i show you the Diets, i will give you some tips to reduce your weight. Ok here they are ...=D

Only Eat When Hungry  Avoid eating when you're bored, lonely, or depressed.  you can find another activity that make you happier.

Eat Three Meals a Day  and don't try to skipping any meals. Try to eat in the right time.

Don't smoking  Don't harm yourself or the others with your smoke
Fill the Fridge with Veggies  Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Stock your fridge with it.   

Cut Down on Coffee  If you're a coffee drinker limit your intake to less than 3 cups a day.

Choose Real Fruit  I mean you should eat fruits or juice it.  if u buy juice from store , it will contain many sugar in it and boost your calories.

Enjoy Water  Drink minimal 8 glasses a day.  If you don't like the taste of water, try adding lemon or lime or mint leaves to make it taste more refreshing.

Take Lunch to Work  Bring your lunch to work, u can cook it in the morning. Choose healty lunch for it and you can size how many will you eat.

Eat Breakfast  Eat breakfast will avoid feeling starved and give spirit to start your day.

Choose healty food and keep your healty style  These are important things for make your body health and happy . I hope you can make the best choice for your life =D

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vegetarian types

I write about vegetarian because i just met a friend that she decided to be a vegetarian. It's not a bad choise. There are advantages for being a vegetarian too. Vegetarians have many reasons not to eat the flesh of animals. In addition to religious beliefs, there are health-based, ecologic, ethical, and philosophical reasons. It depends on their decision..

A vegetarian diet focuses on plants for food.  A vegan, excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood), animal products (eggs, dairy and honey), and the wearing and use of animal products (eg. leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin). The vegan diet consists totally of vegetables, vegetable oils, and seeds.

There are four types of vegetarian, they are :
  • The vegan diet, which excludes all meat and animal products. This group has a high risk of deficiency of protein intake, so they should eat more variety of seeds, vegetables, legumes to get amino acid essential for body needs.
  • The lacto vegetarian diet, which includes plant foods plus dairy products. They still drink milk or eat dairy product. This type of vegetarian still can get protein and calsium consumption from dairy product.
  • The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, which includes both dairy products and eggs
so everyone who wants become vegetarian should   know exactly what you need for your body. Happy eating =)

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my blog

Wow..i'm so happy that i have a page n it's all about me and my world
so..happy to see and happy to see you too =D

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